Friday, November 30, 2007

Login CQ Testing DB with CQ web

Login CQ Testing DB with CQ web

Normally, when we login CQ using WEB client, only production dbs will be listed out and can not manual input  the database name as well(Desktop client can manual input).  Hence if you want to login testing db with web client, the flowing url should be used.

And then you can input the test db name in the Database fields.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Steps to Create UCM Project from Scratch

Steps to Create UCM Project from Scratch

Here are the standard steps to create UCM project

1. Create PVOB

  1. Open Create VOB.
  2. In Name and Major Parameters page, enter the PVOB name and set the option "Create as a UCM project VOB" and clear the option "This VOB will contain UCM components and click Next button
  3. In Storage page, select one location to input the PVOB and click Next
  4. In Options page, select none in the administrative VOB list and set the option "Reconnect to this VOB at login time" and click Finish.

2. Create one VOB without any component

  1. Open Create VOB.
  2. In Name and Major Parameters page, enter the VOB name and clear the option "Create as a UCM project VOB" and set the option "This VOB will contain UCM components and click Next button.
  3. In the Components page, set the option "Allow this VOB to contain multiple components" and click Next. Pls note that if the option "This VOB will contain UCM components" in step b, the Components page does not display. In the Components page, there is one option "Create VOB as a single VOB-lever component. If select the option, one component with the same name of the VOB will be created after the VOB creation. In this scenario, we do not want to system to create one component but we manual create them later.
  4. In Storge page, select one location to input the VOB and click Next.
  5. In Options page, select the PVOB name created in above step from the administrative VOB list and set the option "Reconnect to this VOB at login time" and click Finish.

3. Create UCM Project

  1. Open ClearCase Project Explorer.
  2. Right click the PVOB we created in step 1 and select New->Project
  3. In the New project -Step 1 window, input the project and integration stream name and click  Next.
  4. In the Step 2 window, select option "No" and click Next.
  5. In the Step 3 window, click Next and ignore the warning message since we have no component for the PVOB.
  6. in the Step 4 window, click Next without any changes.
  7. In the Step 5 window, click Finish since we will not integrate with CQ so far.

4. Create Integration View

  1. Open ClearCase Project Explorer
  2. Right click the integration stream we created in step 3 and select Create view.
  3. In the View Creation Wizard -Review Types of Views page, select "Dynamic" and click Next.
  4. In the View Creation Wizard-Choose Name and Drive for a Dynamic View, input the integration view name and its location and click Finish.

5. Create components

    1. Open ClearCase Project Explorer
    2. Right click the components under the PVOB created in step 1 and select New->Component in a VOB.  There are 2 types of components. One is Component in a VOB and another is component without a VOB. If the component without a VOB means the component can not have any elements. This kind of component is used to store the composite baseline.
    3. In the Create a Component in a VOB window, select the VOB created in step 2, input the component name and root directory and click Ok. Pls note that the Root Directory name should begin with "\" (a must)
    4. In the Choose a view window, select the integration view created in step 4 and click Ok.

6. Add component to the project

  1. Open ClearCase Project Explorer
  2. Right click the integration stream created in step 3, b and choose Prosperities
  3. In the Properties window, click Configuration tab and add the component to the project and click OK.
  4. After step c, Rebase Stream Preview window pops up. Select the init baseline and click OK button.
  5. In the end of rebase action, click Complete and close button.
  6. In the ClearCase Project Explorer, right click the project created in step 3 and select Policies. In the Policies window, check the component we added in above step to let us can modify the component.

After the project setup, cc admin/project managers can create development stream and add the source code the the CC VOB and other daily development tasks.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The difference between ClearCase and ClearCase LT

    The difference between ClearCase and ClearCase LT

    1. Dynamic views

    Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearCase LT offer snapshot views. Snapshot views work by copying versions of elements from VOBs to your computer. Your snapshot view will need to be updated periodically to see the latest versions of elements. An update operation copies the latest versions of elements from the VOB to your view. Rational ClearCase also offers dynamic views. A dynamic view uses the Multiversion File System (MVFS) to provide immediate, transparent access to data stored in VOBs. When you work in a dynamic view, you do not need to copy data from VOBs to your view; you see the latest versions of elements in real time.

    2.      Multiple servers
    Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearCase LT use a client-server architecture. A Rational ClearCase client process issues a request for a Rational ClearCase operation, such as checkout or checkin. Server processes that run on the host where the VOB resides handle the request. Rational ClearCase supports a multiple server configuration, so VOBs can be located on multiple, distributed hosts. Rational ClearCase LT supports a single server configuration, so VOBs can be located on only one server host.

    3.      Advanced build tool
    You can use the Rational ClearCase commands clearmake, omake, and clearaudit to perform makefile based builds of software systems. These commands provide the following powerful features: v Build auditing, with automatic detection of source dependencies, including header file dependencies v Automatic creation of permanent bill-of-materials documentation of the build process and its results v Sophisticated build-avoidance algorithms to guarantee correct results when building in a parallel development environment v Sharing of binaries among views, saving both time and disk storage v Parallel building, which applies the resources of multiple processors and multiple hosts to builds of large software systemsThese features are available only if you use dynamic views; therefore, they are available in Rational ClearCase but not in Rational ClearCase LT.

    4.      Rational ClearCase MultiSite
    Rational ClearCase MultiSite is an optional add-on to Rational ClearCase. Rational ClearCase MultiSite can be used for parallel software development and software reuse across geographically distributed project teams. Rational ClearCase MultiSite is not supported with Rational ClearCase LT.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Base ClearCase Process

Here is the process of the Base ClearCase,

1. Project managers setup the project environment. The project environment setup including

  • Create and populate the VOBs.
  • Define the branching strategy. A typical branching strategy is to create an integration branch and multiple development branches. Developers do their work on development branches and then merge their changes to the integration branch so other team members can see them
  • Create shared views and standard config specs. Based on the branch strategy, project managers will create shared view attached the branch to let the developers to work.
  • Make recommendations for view names.

2. Project managers implement development policies

  • Define Labels. A label is a user-defined name that can be attached to a version.
  • Define Attributes. Attributes are name/value pairs that let you capture information about the state of a version from various perspectives.
  • User Hyperlinks. Hyperlinks let you identify and preserve relationships between elements in one or more VOBs.
  • Use Triggers. Triggers let you control the behavior of cleartool commands and ClearCase operations by running a specific program or executable script before or after the command runs.
  • Use Locks. A lock on an object prevents all developers from modifying it.

3. Define global types. This facility makes it easy to ensure that the branch, label,attribute,hyperlink, and elements types the global types need are present in all the VOBs your project uses.

4. Establish a merging policy.

5. Development is ongoing.

6. Developers merge work to the integration branch

7. Integrators build the product.

8. Project managers labels the source files.

9. Developers merge the labeled sources to their development branches.



ClearCase UCM Process

In a UCM project, work typically progresses as follows,

1. ClearCase administrators create the VOBs
    VOB means Versioned Object Base. VOB contains all the files and directories.

2. Project Managers create the UCM projects
    UCM includes VOBs and Components. Components is a group of related direcotry and file elements with same baseline.

3. Developers join the UCM project

4. Development is ongoing.
    Developers are assigned to activities to check-out and check-in the source code

5. Developers delivery work to shared work area
    Before delivery to integration stream, developers should test and build their work in the private area.

6. Integrators build the product in shared work area

7. Project managers craete new baselines

8. Project managers promote the specific baselines(Build,Test,Released) to reflect a particular project milestone.
   After the new baseline passes a sufficient testing, project managers designate them as the recommended set of baselines

9. Developers adjust their private work areas to the latest avaiable baselines

Rename Clan Name

Here is the article for clan rename from IBM tech note

Monday, November 19, 2007

Move Shipping Server From One Host to Another

Move Shipping Server From One Host to Another

Assume we have a CQ multisite and now we want to move the shipping server for site Q3 in OL clan from qatest03 to zha-qalab02, here are the steps,

1. In site Q3, run the below command
       multiutil chreplica -cl OL -site Q3 -u admin -p adminpwd -hostname zha-qalab02 Q3
2. Run the sync jobs to sync the updated shipping server to all sibling sites.

If need to update shipping server in multiple sites, updated the site name, new shipping server host and run the above steps.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Not Associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection" Error Solution

"Not Associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection"  Error Solutin

When users create schema repository with MSSQL server in ClearQuest Maintainence Tool, he/she may meet the error message as below,

Connection failed:
SQL Server Error: Error 18452
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'username'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection

Here is the solution

The key point is to set the authentication to mixed mode (SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode)

Schema DB or User DB move error when destination DB is SQL2005

Schema Repository could not be created with SQL Server 2005

When move schema db and user db from SQL2000 to SQL2005, may meet error as below,

SQLExecDirect: RETCODE=-1, State=37000, Native Error=-3504 SQL statement='select from master_global' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.

Here is the solution provided by IBM,

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Move Schema Repository or User DB

Move Schema Repository or User DB

We can use the ClearQuest tool to move the schema/user db to another physical db (same vendor or different vendor). Here are the details

Using ClearQuest Maintenance Tool to move the schema db and CQ designer for user db. Before start, new empty db should be created accordingly. Click menu Move under Schema Repository in CQ Maintenance Tool to move schema db. Click Move User Database under Database in CQ Designer to move user database. It is easy to do and understand with the action wizard except following attentions,

1.  The moved db(s) should be empty. If the db has the replica of the user db or schema db, you can use Update function in CQ designer and CQ Maintenance Tool.

2.  Notify all users logoff the user db
3.  Backup all schema db and user dbs for uncertain things happened.
4.  Export the updated connection file to other site and import the file if multisite.
5.  Moving schema db and user db do not change the oplog.