Monday, May 12, 2008

How to import defects attachments using Import Tool

How to Import Defects Attachments using Import Tool

Here are the steps to import defect attachments using import tool
A. Using export tool to export the defects you want to import.
B. Change the fields value in the exported file to match those in destination project userdb.
C. Using import tool to import defect record data first and pls be noted do not import at_field_history field and map the old_id to any field like old_id_record

D Import attachments and select old_id_record as field Name and select display_name as Source_Field_Label and add those attachments to the defects which have been imported in step C.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Apply ifix and fix package to ClearQuest

Apply ifix and fix package to ClearQuest

Use the following format to apply a product ifix or fix pack to an existing release area
1. Download the appropriate ifix or fix pack and store it on the host where the release area is located.
2. Open a command prompt on the host used for the release area.
3. Run the following msiexe command to apply the package from the command line directly to the release area
msiexec /a <complete path to the msi in the release area> /p <complete path to the msp file> <UI switch> /lv* <complete path to the log file>

For the UI swith, it should be one of followings,
    /qb: provides basic user interface
    /qn: provides no interface at all

For example
msiexec /a c:\release_area\Setup\1033_ClearQuest.msi /p c:\temp\1033_clearquest.msp /qb /lv* c:\temp\install.log

You can find a whole technote in below link,

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Features in IBM Rational ClearQuest 7.0

New Features in CQ 7.0

    1. Platform-independent client
    2. Enhancements to existing clients
    3. Enhancements to Rational Web Platform
    4. Rational ClearQuest Test Manager
    5. Deployment tracking packages
    6. This release includes a Deployment tracking feature, which enables you to use Rational CC and CQ to track software assets in your specific software testing environment throughout the deployment lifecycle. Highlights of deployment tracking,

      . Rational CC deployment units that track which versioned artifacts in your VOB are being deployed

      . Rational CQ deployment tracking records that implement a role-based approval process for your deployment

      . Traceability between build artifacts and deployment records which provides audit trails for your artifacts that satisfy regulatory compliance requirement

                    Three new packages enable deployment tracking: 

                   . DeploymentTracking

                   . BuildTracking

                   . IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager

          f. Enhancements to Record ID limitation

      In previous release, the maximum number of database records IDs was approximately 16 million. For stateless records, the new limit is approximately 2 billion, for stateful records, it is approximately 100 million.

    g.      SSL support for LDAP authentication
    h.      Rational ClearQuest Web request manager recycling
    i.      Rational ClearQuest Diagnostics utility
    j.      Extended code page support

New Features in CQ 7.0.1

Briefing New Features in CQ 7.0.1

Below info are abstracted from IBM Rational ClearQuest 7.0.1  release notes.

        a. Support feature lever 5 and 6

      Feature 6 enables several new features by default,

        • Workspace folder permissions
        • Storing history time stamps in UTC
        • Increased number of record IDs for the user db

    b.      Support workspace permissions

      In previous version, all users can view public folders and all its queries. In the release 7.0.1, workspace folder permissions allow administrator to control which folders (only folder lever) users can see and modify.

    c.      Enhancements to Rational CQ client and Rational ClearQuest client for Eclipse
    d.      Enhancements to Rational CQ Test Manager
    e.      Control of case-sensitivity for queries of multiline test fields on Oracle databases
    f.      Storing history dates in Universal Coordinated Time
    g.      Enhancements to Rational ClearQuest Web

    h. Restricted mode enhancement. When enabled by an administrator, the restricted mode enhancement feature allows users working in restricted mode to modify record types

    i. Support for multiple request managers

    j. Global script cloning