Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Data Type (Part 1 - Scalar Variable) -- Perl Study Notes

Data Type (Part 1- Scalar Variable)

Scalar Variable

number: including the integer and float number. all number will be converted into double in internal perl
012 #Octal number
0x12 #Hex number

number operator: +-*/%

number logical comparion: > < == >= <= !=

string: single-quoted strings
'hello' #hello
'don\'t' #don't
'silly\\me' #silly\me
'hello\n' #hello\n
'hello $name' # hello $name
double-quoted strings
"hello world\n" # hello world and new line
"coke\tsprite" #coke+a tab+sprite
"my name is $name" #my name is zhengol, if $name="zhengol"

string operator:. x
"abc"."def" #abcdef
"abc"x4 #abcabcabc
(3+2)x5 #55555

string logical comparaion: eq lt gt ne le ge

Notes: the numeric and string comparions are roughly oppposite of what they are for the Unix which uses -eq for string comparison and == for numeric comparison

(To be continued)

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