Regular Expression (Part 5)-- Perl Study Notes
Single-Character Patterns
/a./; #. matches any characters except \n. /a./ matches any two-letter sequence that starts with a but except a\n
/a+/; #+ matches one or more of the immediately previous character, such as lookaab,aaabc but no lookup
/a*/; #* matches zero or more of the immediately previous character, such abs, asdic
/a?/; #? matches zero or one of the immediately previous character, such as abc,aabc
/[abcde]/; #match a string containing any one of the letters
/[^0-9]/; #match any single non-digit
/[^aeiouAEIOU]/; #match any single non-vowel
/[^/^]/; #match any character except an up-arrow
/[\da-fA-F]/; #match one hex digit
/\d/ # equivalent to /[0-9]/
/\D/ # equivalent to /[^0-9]/
/\w/ # equivalent to /[0-9a-zA-Z]/
/\W/ # equivalent to /[^0-9a-zA-Z]/
/\s/ #equivalent to /[\r\t\n\f]
/\S/ $equivalent to /[^\r\t\n\f]
Group Patterns
/x+box?/; # + means one or more of the immediately previous character and the ? means zero or one of the immediately previous character.
# the above pattern match the string "xbox","xxbo","xxbox"
/x{1,5}/; # match any string with one
Parentheses as memory
/fred(.)barney\1/; # \1 means the first parenthesized part of the regular expression.
# if matchs fredybarneyy but not fredybarneyx
/a(.)b(.)c\2d\1/; # matchs azbycydz but not abbccd
/a(.*)b\1c/; #match aFREDbFredC not axxbxxxc
Alternation Patterns
/songbule/; #matchs either song or blue
Anchoring Patterns
/fred\b/; # matches fred, but not frederick
/\bmo/; #matches moe but not emo
/\bFred\b/; #matchs Fred but not Frederick or alFred
/\b\+\b/; #matchs "x+y" but not "++" or " + "
/abc\bdef/; #never matchs
/\bFred\B/; #matchs "Frederick" but not "Fred Flintstone"
/^Fred/; #matchs Fredabc but not aFred
/Fred$/; #matchs abcFred but not Freda
Other operators
~/^he/; ~ to select a different target, for example
$a="hello world";
$a=~/^he/; #true, but $a still ="hello world"
$a=~/(.)\1/; #true, but $a still ="hello world"
if ($a=~/(.)\1/) #true
# put statement here
/abc/i; # i to ignore the case. it matches abs, Abs, ABC
/^\/usr\/etc/; # Using standard slash delimiter. It matches the string containing /urs/etc
m@^/usr/etc@; #using @ for a delimiter. It also matches the string /usr/etc
m#^/usr/etc#; #using # for a delimiter. It also matches the string /usr/etc
pls note that the delimiter must be any nonalphanumeric character
$what = "[box]"; #\Q will ignore any specify character in the regular expression
foreach (qw(in[box] out[box] white[sox])) {
if (/\Q$what\E/) {
print "$_ matched!\n";
Ready-Only Variable
# variable $1,$2,$3 and so on are set to the same values as \1,\2,\3, and so on
$_="this is a test";
if (/(\w+)\W+\(\w+)/)
print "$1\n"; # $1 = this
print "$2\n"; # $2 =is
#$& is the part of the string that matched the regular expression
#$` is the part of the string before the part that matched
#$' is the part of the string after the part that matched
the syntax of the substitutions is
If you want to the replacement to operate on all possible matches instead of just the first match, append a g to the substitution
$_="foot fool buffoon";
s/oo/bar/; # $_=fbart fool buffoon;
$_="foot fool buffoon";
s/oo/bar/g; # $_=fbart fbarl buffoon;
$_ = "this is a test";
s/(\w+)/<$1>/g; # $_ is now "<this> <is> <a> <test>"
foreach (keys %d)
print "$d{$_}\n";
$d{$_}=~s/^/x /; #prepend "x " to hash element
print "$d{$_}\n";
#we can see that the original string is changed after using regular expression substitutions.
#example for \G usage
$what = "[box]";
foreach (qw(in[box] out[box] white[sox]))
{ if (/\Q$what\E/) { # equivalent to match the regular expression of /\[box\]/
print "$_ matched!\n";
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