Sunday, December 28, 2008















































    四川在线等网站沉浸在泪海里,互联网被泪水打湿透了,“心痛到不能呼吸”。每个网站的消息帖子下面都有上万条跟帖,花圈如山,悼词似海,一位中年男士喃喃低语:“孩子,你本来就是天上的小天使,张开小翅膀,乖乖地飞吧……” 8月26日,她的葬礼在小雨中举行,成都市东郊殡仪馆火化大厅内外站满了热泪盈眶的市民。他们都是8岁女孩佘艳素不相识的“爸爸妈妈”。为了让这个一出生就被遗弃、患白血病后自愿放弃自己的女孩,最后离去时不至于太孤单,来自四面八方的“爸爸妈妈们”默默地冒雨前来送行。







Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Undo a Deliver Operation

Undo a Deliver Operation
Any time before completing the deliver operation, you can undo changes made as a result of the operation. This undo procedure is valid only if you have started a deliver operation, have not checked in modifications in the target view, and have not completed the deliver operation.
An undo deliver command is provided, which cancels all checkouts in the integration view and removes all merge arrows created during the current deliver operation.
If you checked in any versions to the integration view, using the undo deliver command is not sufficient to undo the deliver operation. In this case, you must either complete the operation (recommended) or use cleartool rmver -xhlink to remove the versions you checked in before canceling the operation. Because rmver erases part of your organizational development history, your organization may not allow individual developers to use it. Be very conservative in using this command, especially with the -xhlink option, which may have unintended consequences.

File Merge Algorithm

File Merge Algorithm
A merge combines the contents of two or more versions into a single new version. Before know how the merge works, we need know below terms:
  • The source contributors: one version from your development stream and one version from the target stream.
  • The base contributors: the common ancestor of the source versions.
  • The destination version: the merge output, which in a deliver operation becomes a new version in the target stream and in a rebase operation becomes a new version in the development stream
How files and directory are merged
To merge files and directories:
  1. The base contributor is identified.
  2. Each contributor is compared with the base contributor using the Rational ClearCase merge algorithm.
  3. For any line that is unchanged between the base contributor and any other contributor, the line is copied to the merge output file.
  4. For any line that has changed between the base contributor and one other contributor, the change in the contributor is accepted. Depending on how you started the merge operation, the change may be copied to the merge output file. However, you can disable the automated merge capability for any merge operation. If you disable the capability, you must approve each change to the merge output file.
  5. For any line that has changed between the base contributor and more than one other contributor, you are required to resolve the conflicting difference manually.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

About Baseline Considerations in the Deliver Operation

About Baseline Considerations in the Deliver Operation
If the foundation baseline of the source stream is different from that of the target stream, the deliver operation includes activities in the foundation baseline plus all activities created after the foundation baseline. This baseline difference prevents you from delivering only selected changes.
S1. For example, the Feature stream in figure below is configured with baseline 0. The developer working in the Developer1 stream delivers activity Activity1 to the Feature stream.
The owner of the Feature stream creates baseline 1 in that stream. Activity1 is included in baseline 1. The developer in the Developer1 stream continues working on a new activity and delivers activity Activity2 to the Feature stream.
If the integrator of the Feature stream delivers work to the Integration stream, the deliver operation includes Activity2 plus the activities in included in baseline 1. The integrator can not deliver only Activity2.
S2. Another baseline consideration arises when you deliver to an alternative target stream, as shown in the figure below.
The Developer1 stream delivers Activity1 to an alternative target, the Integration2 stream. As an intermediate step, the deliver operation creates a hidden baseline D (referred to as a deliver baseline) in the Developer1 stream. If the Developer1 stream next tries to deliver only Activity2 to the Integration1 stream, the deliver operation requires that the changes associated with the deliver baseline (Activity1) be delivered. In this case, you can not deliver only activity2, but must deliver Activity1 (which is included in the deliver baseline) also.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Handling Elements That Are Not Visible During a deliver (or rebase) Operation

Handling Elements That Are Not Visible


During a deliver (or rebase) operation, you might see the following warning message about elements not being visible in the integration view:


1 elements were skipped because they are not visible. You should determine why they are not visible before you complete this deliver or rebase operation. If these elements should be visible, cancel this operation, fix the problem, and re-run the operation


Do not ignore this message. The deliver operation found versions of elements in the development stream that need to be considered for merging to the target stream, but does not find the elements in the target stream. The following cases are some reasons for this situation:


  • A new element was added to source control, but the directory that catalogs the element is not checked in. In this case, cancel this deliver (or rebase) operation, check in the directory, and start a new deliver (or rebase) operation.


  • While a change to the element was being made(in the development stream, for a deliver operation; in the stream from which you are rebasing, for a rebase operation), someone operated on the element ( in the target stream, for a deliver operation; in the development stream, for a rebase operation), as follows:


®      The name of the element or the name of a VOB symbolic link to the element was removed.

®      The element itself or the VOB symbolic link to the element was removed.

In either of these cases, decide whether the removal was appropriate. If the removal was appropriate, you can allow the deliver (or rebase) operation to ignore the element.


  • The change may be obsolete because you intended or remove the name of the element or the element itself.


Because the cause of the problem can not be determined by the deliver or rebase operation, you must find the cause, fix the problem, cancel the current deliver9or rebase)operation, and start a new operation.


About Higacked Files

What is HiJacked Files
The hijacked file is the file which is modified but without checked-out. In the ClearCase, only checked-out files can be edited and saved after updating.  All elements in CC source control are give the file attribute of read-only. When the file is checked out, the ready-only attribute is cleared and it can be modified then. In Dynamic List view, the file attribute can not be changed while it can in snapshot view somehow. So the hijaced file is only for Snapshot view.
Hijacked Files Operations when Update The Snapshot View
When you update the snapshot view, you have these choices for the hijacked files:
  • Leave hijacked files in place
  • Rename the hijacked files and load the selected version form the VO
  • Delete hijacked files and load the selected version from the VOB

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The procedure of the deliver operation

The procedure of the deliver operation


The deliver operation proceeds in the following order:


  1. When you start the deliver operation, your development stream is placed in the deliver-in-progress state.  
  2. Dependencies between versions in the change sets of the activities that are as yet undelivered in the target stream are checked.  
  3. Each directory in your development stream is evaluated sequentially. Versions are checked out and changes are merged to the target stream when needed. If a reserved directory checkout is encountered in the target stream, the deliver operation stops. Any successful directory merges are retained.  
  4. An attempt is made to check out each element that requires a merge. If an element that cannot be checked out is encountered (for example because another team member’s deliver operation has already checked out the element), the element is skipped and more attempts are made to check out the remaining elements.  
  5. If an element cannot be checked out, the deliver operation does not proceed to the following step. In this case, you have two options:  
    • Wait until the other developer completes or cancels the deliver operation, and then restart your deliver operation. However, with a deliver operation in progress, any new versions you create in your development stream are not delivered until the next deliver operation.
    • Undo your deliver operation and continue working on your activities. 
  6. After all elements that can be checked out are successfully checked out, each element is merged. Diff Merge starts and requests your input when merge conflicts are encountered.  
  7. When all merges are finished, you are prompted to build and test the work in your integration view.  
  8. The deliver operation stays in the deliver-in-progress state until you formally complete the operation (issue the complete command). To complete the deliver, the following is done:  
    • The merge results in the target stream are checked in.
    • The state of the stream is changed to Complete.


Delete activities when ClearQuest Record is linked with a UCM activity

Delete activities when ClearQuest Record is linked with a UCM activity
You can enable ClearQuest and ClearCase integration to manage the developement process. ClearQuest is used as a defect tracking tool and ClearCase is used as source control repository. If a Rational ClearQuest record is linked with a UCM activity and you want to delete the activity, you should do:
  • Remove the link between UCM activity and ClearQuest records (In ClearCase side)
  • Delete ClearQuest records(in ClearQuest side)
Before you remove the link between UCM activity and ClearQuest records, below requisiton must be fulfilled:
  • no changeset in that activity. If yes, move the change sets to other activity
  • the operator to do this must be the owner of the ClearQuest record. Not the submitter but the owner
Then you can use below command to remove the link
cleartool rmactivity clearquest_record_id
executing above command does not delete the ClearQuest record. So you must login the ClearQuest and do the Delete action then. The access control of the Deletion is defined in the ClearQuest schema. You should ask the ClearQuest admin to confirm if you have the right to delete the record.

How file/directory checkouts are canceled

How file/directory checkouts are canceled
How file checkouts are canceled
  • When you cancel the checkout of a file element, the request is handled as follows:
  • You have prompted to rename the fie in your view to filename.keep
  • The VOB is notified that you no longer have the version checked out in your view
  • In a snapshot view, the version that was in your view when you performed the checkout operation is copied from the VOB
  • In a dynamic view, the version-selection rules in the config spec are used to select a version.
How directory checkouts are canceled
  • When you cancel a directory checkout, the VOB is notified that you no longer have the version of the directory checked out to your view. But you are not prompted to rename a canceled directory checkout to directory-name.keep.
  • If you cancel a directory checkout after any changes you made to rename,move, create link will lost. Any new elements you created (with mkelem or mkdir) become orphaned. But pls note that if you just only modify the content (add/remove/update lines) in the file and check in the file, the file version and its content is still there although you undo check out against that folder.
Orphaned elements are moved to the VOB lost+found directory under names of this form:
In a snapshot view, view-private objects are not removed nor is the update operation for the directory in the view started. To return the directory in your view to its state before you checked it out, you must start the Update Tool.
Action Result after undo checkout its parent directory Input into lost+found
rename element stay in the view but the Kind is view-private No
create dir and add to source control stay in the view but the Kind is view-private Yes
create element and add to source control stay in the view but the Kind is view-private Yes
create link and add to source control stay in the view but the Kind is view-private No
delete element can not show again until you update the view No
In a dynamic view, view-private objects are not removed, but the view does revert to its previous state.
Action Result after undo checkout its parent directory Input into lost+found
rename element recover the name to its previous one No
create dir and add to source control dispear Yes
create element and add to source control dispear Yes
create link and add to source control dispare No
delete element show again No
To move the elements from the lost+found directory
  • To move an element from the lost+found directory to another dirctory within the VOB, use the cleartool mv command.
  • To move an element from the lost+found directory to another VOB, use the relocate command.
To delete an element in the lost+found directory
  • To delete an element in the lost+found directory permanently, use rmelem command.

Checking out directory

Checking out directory
Directories and files under Rational ClearCase source control. Having versions of directories can be helpful if, for example,you rename a source file used in a particular release and then modify your makefile to reflect this change. If you need to rebuild a previous release, you can set up your view to sleect the version of the directory that contains the file under its previous name.
On Unix system
To add a file or subdirectory to Rational ClearCase control, you must first check out the parent directory. It is common mistake that, after checking out a parent directry and adding elements to it, users forget to check in the directory. If you check out a directory, you can see its modified contents form your view, but other users can not see the modifications until you check in it.
On Windows system
You rarely need to check out a directory explicitly. The parent directory of a file is checked out and checked in when you add the file to source control. in a directory under version control, a new version of the directory is created when you add or rename a file element under source control. Before you modify the contend in the view, if you check out the parent directory explicitly, you can see its modified contents from your view, but other users can not see the modifications until you check in it.
Modifications here means the operations of mkdir,mkelement,rename,ln and exclude the operations that only update the contents in the source files

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reserved and Unreserved Checkouts

Reserved and Unreserved Checkouts
In some version control systems, only one user at a time can reserve the right to create a new version on a branch or in a stream. In other systems, many users can compete to create the same new version.Both models are supported by allowing tow kinds of checkouts: reserved and unreserved.
The view with a reserved checkout has the exclusive right to check in a new version for a branch or stream. Many views can have unreserved checkouts. A unreserved checkout does not guarantee the right to create the successor version. If several views have unreserved checkouts, the first view to check in the element on a branch or stream creates the successor; developers who arew working in other views must merge the check-in changes into their own work before they can check in.
For example, one file in view A is checked out with Reserved option. The file is checked out in view B with Unreserved option too ( only can be checked out with Unreserved option since it has been Reserved by view A). That means the file in view B can not be checked in unless the files in View A has been checked-in.
In above example, if the file is checked out in View A and B with Unreserved option, it can be checked in at any time without considering the check-in sequence. The first check-in makes the successor version and later one will create antoher version after merge operation.
The status of a checkout can be changed from reserved to unreserved or from unreserved to reserved. Users can not change an unresearved checkout to a reserved checkout if the version is checked out as reserved in another view. Here are the 2 ways to do this
    • Using cleartool command

    Cleartool reserve element-name

    Cleartool unreserved element-name

    • Using the GUI

    In Rational ClearCase Explorer, select the checked-out version and click either Tools->Reserve or Tools->Unreserve

    In Windows Explorer, right-click a checked-out version. Then click ClearCase->Properties of Version.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Text Mode in ClearCase

Text Mode in ClearCase
Text modes in Rational ClearCase views are necessary because lines in text files are terminated differently on different platform types. The text mode of a view determines how lines in text files under Rational ClearCase control are processed, independent of the platform that the view storage, the VOB server, or the client runs on.
Linux and the UNIX system and Windows observe different conventions for terminating lines in text files. Typically, Linux and the UNIX system terminate lines with a single <LF> character and Windows systems terminate lines with a two-character sequence <CR><LF>.
To better support parallel development in mixed operationg system environments,a text mode setting for views in provided that controls how line terminators are handled when text files are presented to applications.This setting applies only to file elements whose element type is text_file or a subtype of type text_file. You determine a view text mode when you create the view. You can not change the text mode fo a view after the view has been created.
Text Modes
transparent (formerly unix) No line terminator processing is done.
insert_cr (formerly msdos) A <CR> character is inserted before every <LF> character.
strip_cr The <CR> character is stripped from every <CR><LF> sequence.
Sitewide property and Rational ClearCase user option for text mode on Windows computers
On windows computers, the sitewide property view_interop_text_mode in a Rational ClearCase registry determines the default text mode when you create a view with the GUI. If view_interop_text_mode is set to True, insert_cr text mode is the default. If view_interop_text_mode is set to False, transparent text mode is the default. The cleartool lssite -inquire command lists the current value.
On windows computers, in the View Options page in the ClearCase User Options window, you can specify a preference that determines the default text mode when you create a view with the GUI. if you set interop text mode, insert_cr text mode is the default. If you clear interop text mode, transparent text mode is the default. The preference can override the default for the site-wide property view_interop_text_mode.
In a snapshot view created in either insert_cr or strip_cr text mode, the <CR> characters are added or removed whenever the view is updated. In a dynamic view, the <CR> characters are added or removed as you open and read files. For both snapshot views and dynamic views, the <CR> manipulation is reversed (<CR> characters being added or removed as appropriate) during the checkin process.
If most users are developing software on UNIX systems:
  • UNIX clients should use views created in transparent text mode.
  • Windows clients should use views created in insert_cr text mode.
If most users are developing software on Windows systems:
  • Windows clients should use views created in transparent text mode.
  • UNIX clients should use views created in strip_cr text mode.