Thursday, January 28, 2010

How to check CQ License Usage

How to check CQ License Usage
After CQ client installed, some useful tools can be founder under Common folder.
If we want to check the CQ license usage, we can use lmutil.exe command sets by below command
lmutil.exe lmstat -f CLEARQUEST  (detail information)
lmutil.exe lmstat -i CLEARQUEST  (summary information)
Actually lmutil can find out all types of licenses information which host on FLEXlm server. For example, below commands list out CC license data.
lmutil.exe lmstat -f CLEARCASE (detail information)
lmutil.exe lmstat -i CLEARCASE (summary information)
To find out usage of lmstat, you can use
lmutil.exe lmstat -h
to find out all sub command sets of lmutil, you can use
lmutil.exe -h