Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Base ClearCase Process

Here is the process of the Base ClearCase,

1. Project managers setup the project environment. The project environment setup including

  • Create and populate the VOBs.
  • Define the branching strategy. A typical branching strategy is to create an integration branch and multiple development branches. Developers do their work on development branches and then merge their changes to the integration branch so other team members can see them
  • Create shared views and standard config specs. Based on the branch strategy, project managers will create shared view attached the branch to let the developers to work.
  • Make recommendations for view names.

2. Project managers implement development policies

  • Define Labels. A label is a user-defined name that can be attached to a version.
  • Define Attributes. Attributes are name/value pairs that let you capture information about the state of a version from various perspectives.
  • User Hyperlinks. Hyperlinks let you identify and preserve relationships between elements in one or more VOBs.
  • Use Triggers. Triggers let you control the behavior of cleartool commands and ClearCase operations by running a specific program or executable script before or after the command runs.
  • Use Locks. A lock on an object prevents all developers from modifying it.

3. Define global types. This facility makes it easy to ensure that the branch, label,attribute,hyperlink, and elements types the global types need are present in all the VOBs your project uses.

4. Establish a merging policy.

5. Development is ongoing.

6. Developers merge work to the integration branch

7. Integrators build the product.

8. Project managers labels the source files.

9. Developers merge the labeled sources to their development branches.



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