Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Make VOB Replica

Make VOB Replica


There are 4 phases to setup a VOB replica. Here are the details for each phase.



  1. Make sure MultiSite licenses are installed.

Check the license server configuration and make sure there are CC and CC Multisite licenses in the license server.


  1. Rename the original replica appropriately.

Even though the original VOB has not yet been replicated, its VOB database has a VOB replica object, named original

The administrator (VOB owner, CC Admin users) renames the VOB replica object to a meaningful name using below command. Below example is to change the original replica to BEI_HUB

multitool rename replica:original BEI_HUB


  1. Make sure the VOB is not locked.

cleartool lslock vob:vob_tab


  1. Make sure that all VOB source container are accessible using the checkvob command. In a view context, run below command,

cleartool checkvob –log c:\temp\cclog.log –pool –source


  1. Determine the size of the VOB database and source pools.

Using below command to get the space and make sure the –workdir directory has the greater space then the vob size when export the vob.

cleartool space vob_tag


Export Phase

  1. Backup the original VOB.


  1. Enter export command and use proper transfer method.

Below example is to  create a new vob replica ZHA_HUB on host zhaccserver

multitool mkreplica –export –workdir c:\temp\workdir –fship –sclass CLASS_NAME zhaccserver:ZHA_HUB@vob_tag


  1. Verify the replica-related changes.

Below command list all replicas of the vob.

multitool lsreplica –invob vob_tag

For above example, it should output 2 replicas named BEI_HUB and ZHA_HUB

Also you can list the history events happened to the original vob replica using  below command:

cleartool lshistory replica:BEI_HUB@vob_tag


Transport phase

  1. Send the export packet to the new site. In the most cases, we use the shipping server to transfer the packages.

Import Phase

  1. In the receiving host, Verify the export packages have arrived.


  1. Enter import command to import the packages.

In below example, the new replica will be created with permission and identity preserver options.

multitool mkreplica –import –preserve –work c:\temp\workdir –tag vob_tag –vob unc_path_of_storage_pool path_of_the_packet_to_import


  1. Delete the replica-creation packet.


  1. Make sure that the owner,group and group list of the new VOB are the same as the owner, group and group list of the new VOB are the same as the owner, group and group list of the other identities and permissions-preserving replicas in the VOB family. To change these values, run the cleartool protectvob command on the new VOB replica.



  1. Any changes on the new vob replica, sync updates to its sibling replicas.


  1. Make the new replica self-mastering before begin to set feature lever.



  1. Set the feature level of the new replica on the replica host.


  1. Send an update packet to all other replicas in the VOB family



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