Monday, October 12, 2009

EMS: Setup Fault Tolerance

EMS: Setup Fault Tolerance
Here is the summary to setup fault tolerance servers, tcp://ems1:7222 and tcp://ems2:7222 for example,
  1. In server ems1,ems2, change the property server to same values EMS-SERVER for example.
b.      In server ems1, change ft_active to tcp://ems2:7222. In server ems2, change ft_active to tcp://ems1:7222. 
c.      In both servers, set properties ft_heartbeat, ft_actiation, ft_reconnect_timeout in file tibemsd.conf. The values can be different in bot servers.
d.      Make sure both servers use the shared configuration files (users.conf, groups.conf and others) except tibemsd.conf and shared state files(meta.db, async-msgs.db,sync-msgs.db). tibemsd.conf should have 2 copies seperately in both servers. In server ems1, setup 2 folders for configuration and shared state files. Copy all configuration files to the configuration folder named Con for example. Copy all shared state files to another one named DataStore for example.
e.      In server ems1, ems2, map above folders to a same driver, like Z: for example.
f.      In server ems1,ems2, set properties users, groups, topics, queues, acl_list, factories, routs, bridges, transports, tibrvcm, durables like below to let the server know where to get those configuration files.
users   =  Z:/Con/Configureusers.conf
groups = Z:/Con/groups.conf
g.      In server ems1, ems2, set properties store value like below
Note that above property only specify the folder path
h.      In servers ems1,ems2, set the property store_minimum_sync, store_minimum_async  to the same value
i.      If authorized property is set enabled, create a TIBCO EMS id/password pairs. The id should be same as the server property value. In this example, create id named EMS-SERVER. And set the password property accordingly in servers ems1, ems2. 
j.      Restart TIBCO EMS service in both servers to validate the settings.
All properties above can be founder in  tibemsd.conf file.

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